Southern pygmy leatherjackets (brachaluteres jacksonianus) are a type of filefish endemic to Australia. These charismatic, colourful fishes are constantly on the move, swimming around the reef, often chasing each others. I wanted to photograph this species in a way that would convey how dynamic and busy they are, so I used a slow-shutter speed to blur the background, and a snooted strobe to illuminate and "freeze" only the fish and surrounding algae. Photographed in Chowder Bay (Sydney, Australia).
© Nicolas & Léna REMY
Photo keywords: australia, backscatter MF1, blur, brachaluteres jacksonianus, clifton gardens, diving, DSLR, filefish, fish, leatherjacket, marine life, mer, mer de tasman, mini-flash 1, monacanthidae, muck dive, muck diving, nauticam, new south wales, Nikon D500, nsw, ocean, pacific ocean, photography, plongée, poisson, poisson bourse, poisson lime, scuba, sea, snoot, southern pygmy leatherjacket, sydney, tasman sea, underwater
Published in: Fish portraits, stock fish portraits